Following the momentous Coronation, and inspired by its theme of inclusion, we are making monumental changes by removing all financial barriers to support talented children.

The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust enjoys the support of HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh. With her help, and the help of all our supporters and friends, we can make a real difference.

Wells Cathedral Choir offers fabulous opportunities for musical children. It is vital that the Choir can recruit choristers on merit alone with no child being denied a place through inability to meet the associated fees. Despite all our efforts, voices of the utmost beauty are not being heard in Wells Cathedral and together we can change that.

The Coronation Fund aims to raise £500,000. The funds raised will be restricted to bursaries for families that are unable to make any significant contribution to the fees (for full details see the back page).

Talent crops up everywhere, and the Coronation Fund will allow us to offer this wonderful opportunity to children from all backgrounds.

The Coronation Fund will be restricted for use for funding bursaries to other choristers whose families are in financial circumstances that make them unable to make any significant contribution to the fees themselves. This is any family that, after external means-testing, is assessed as being able to afford 5% or less of the fees. This will enable the Trust to fund a far higher proportion of a relevant chorister’s fees than it otherwise could.

The appeal target is £500,000 by September 2025. Any surplus raised
will be added to the Trust’s unrestricted funds and used for funding
other bursaries for other choristers.

We will continue to use our other funds to provide as much support as we can towards other choristers’ fees that are not funded by their families’ contributions and contributions from other sources.

The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust has been providing bursaries to the families of Wells Cathedral Choristers for almost 20 years. The Coronation Fund is an inspiring idea to provide life changing opportunities for families who lack the financial means but have talented musical children. It is also a fitting way to mark the recent Coronation. Please support this very special Appeal to ensure ‘that there are no lost voices’ by providing opportunities for these amazing children.
— HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh GCVO, Royal Patron

To support the WCCT Coronation Fund appeal, please complete this form:

please note:

Once you have submitted this form, please make your donation by one of the following methods:

  • using our secure PayPal donation service which can be accessed by CLICKING HERE

  • or via bank transfer to: The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust, Sort Code: 60 23 06, Account Number: 75010062

  • by sending a cheque payable to The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust to WCCT, School Office, 15 The Liberty, Wells BA5 2ST

The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust. Registered Charity No: 1098277.
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