Friday 6th October marked the beginning of an exciting weekend for The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust. We welcomed Iestyn Davies, world renowned countertenor, to Cedars Hall for what was a spectacular musical evening featuring the choristers of Wells Cathedral. The evening started with Iestyn, accompanied by Joe Middleton on piano, performing songs of Schubert’s Die Schöne Müllerin and was followed by a charming semi-staged performance of the final scene from Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Choristers alongside soprano Elizabeth Donovan.
Saturday afternoon was The Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust’s annual evensong. Beforehand, we were joined by key supporters for afternoon tea with the Choristers, in the glorious Quilters Hall. After sufficient amounts of cake (no such thing for the choristers) we headed over to the Cathedral where the choristers sung confidently and beautifully.
Over the course of the weekend, we were fortunate enough to be joined by the Cathedral Music Trust and we are so pleased that so many of their members were able to attend the concert and Evensong. We have received wonderful feedback and would like to express our gratitude to the choristers for all their hard work.
