Celebrating 30 Years of Girl Choristers

Last weekend’s celebrations and reunion to mark the 30th Anniversary of Girl Choristers at Wells were a great success and it was wonderful to welcome back so many former choristers.

The day began with a Reception and Brunch for all the former Girl Choristers attending. There was a real sense of celebration in the air as we began to mark this special anniversary. Old friends were reacquainted and memories and old stories shared and relived. It was a room full of joy and laughter!

Some former choristers then joined tours of the Cathedral School. For many, the school has changed substantially since their Choristers days with new boarding houses and of course the wonderful facility that is Cedars Hall.

In the afternoon, the reunion expanded to include many former boy choristers and all joined together to form a Reunion Choir. This group of singers soon demonstrated themselves to be in fine voice as they rehearsed with Alexander Hamilton. After a break for refreshments in the Quilter Hall, the Reunion Choir joined the Cathedral Choir for rehearsal. It was very moving to hear and see these former Choristers joining with their contemporary counterparts and it was quickly apparent that the Celebration Evensong was to be a very special service indeed.

The Cathedral Nave was filled to capacity with many honoured guests amongst the congregation. His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant was represented by Thomas Sheppard DL, and The Duchess of Edinburgh (the WCCT’s Royal Patron) had previously given her apologies as the Girls30 celebration clashed with the King’s birthday!

As the service began, we were treated to the world premiere of Joanna Marsh’s anthem, A Garland of Praise, which was specially commissioned for the anniversary by Cathedral Commissions. The uplifting setting of words by 13th century mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg was beautifully sung by the massed voices and set us up for the choral treats in store. The canticles were Dyson’s setting in D, and the unbridled sense of joy in the Magnificat was something awesome to hear! This was followed by Parry’s Blest Pair of Sirens, a paen of praise to music that sets a text by Milton. The choirs’ performance was powerfully moving and the work culminates in words that thoroughly befitted the occasion:

O may we soon again renew that song,
And keep in tune with Heav'n, till God ere long
To His celestial concert us unite,
To live with Him, and sing in endless morn of light.

Following the service, the former choristers gathered with family, friends and members of the wider Music Foundation for a celebratory reception in Cedars Hall. Everyone gathered was also treated to a short recital given by two former girl Choristers – established operatic soprano, Meeta Raval, and current RCM opera student, Madeleine Perring – which was followed by speeches given by some of the special guests attending, each of whom addressed the success of the Girl Choristers at Wells and of the importance of preserving this wonderful opportunity for all talented children, as the Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust seeks to do. The celebrations continued over drinks as all reflected on a wonderful day and an anniversary well celebrated.

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